Yarn Along


I’m joining Ginny today for the first time in a while! I have finally had some more time to knit (and if I’m totally honest here that is thanks to my recent backing out of most social media) and so here I am with some projects to share!

I made a set of these baby booties earlier this year for another friend and has a request to a pair of them to be made for another friend’s baby… and then she found out she was having twins! So I’ve got two sets of these booties to make and I am also making a pair of hats to go with. This mama lives in Alaska, after all!

I sewed myself a new project bag, too. I have been using a smaller one for about two years, now, but I decided I needed a bigger bag for both sweater making and for projects like this – ones with many balls and pieces. Keep it all together! I followed this tutorial: Simple Drawstring Bag.

Notice baby 'Harry Potter' wand on the floor. Haha!
Notice baby ‘Harry Potter’ wand on the floor. Haha!
Drawstring function.
Drawstring function.
All inside!
All inside!

7 thoughts on “Yarn Along

  1. I’ve popped over from Yarn Along … you have some very cute little projects on the go. Such a nice soft shade of grey for the baby items 🙂 And the project bag looks like it’ll suit any sized project … such a generous size! I’ve also nipped back and read your ‘compassion’ post (since you linked it). Congrats to stepping away from facebook. I too quit FB last year and turned to blogging instead. I find the people in my small blogging world are WAY more compassionate, helpful and understanding than any person (family included) on FB, which had me wondering most days “what did they mean by that comment?”. A lot of people were trying to be witty and quick with responses, but they just ended up sounding nasty to me. Lost some friends in the bargain, but I myself am happier. You can’t be happy with other people, until you are happy with yourself. I hope you will soon feel better with yourself having made such positive steps. Have a wonderful day! Wendy 🙂

    1. Wendy, thank you so much for your kind reply. I feel exactly as you – the blog world feels much gentler to me, and I get to pick the content! I choose which blogs to read and I choose what to write about. It’s much less information overload and much less snarky. And, like you, I would get hung up on questionable and difficult to interpret comments on FB and forums and would dwell on them for days. I just don’t have the energy for that these days!
      Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

  2. That is so nice to hear, I am really impressed you were able to cut back and make room for projects in front of you, and life! Although ive never done anything other than a blog and ravelry (I did sign up for fb once a few years ago for a work assignment, but it lasted less than a week, fb is NOT for me) I still limit my time. I can surely appreciate how much fun all the social sites must be though, a lot of people are on them. I do love blogging (and ravelry friends) for all those reasons you mentioned!

    1. I have really enjoyed the social sites I’ve been on for the most part, but I just have gotten pretty overwhelmed with both the information and the recent drama. I dislike drama for the sake of drama very much!
      Thank you for your comment! 🙂

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